Understanding and Assessing Impacts
The City of Moncton initiated a climate change adaptation initiative in 2010 by participating to Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) Regional Adaptation Collaborative (RAC) program. The City will be impacted by storm surges, with greater precipitation and erosion, as well as challenges posed by a tidal river (Petitcodiac River) and low-lying areas. The City has linked its 2013 Climate Change Adaptation Plan to its current Strategic Plan and routinely looks to incorporate the recommendations into all future City initiatives. In Eastern Canada, the primary hazard associated with climate change is increasing frequency and intensity of storm events. Erosion, fluvial flooding from the Petitcodiac River, and high tidal range are also factors in the area’s hydrodynamic location. Since the development of its 2013 Climate Change Adaptation and Flood Management Strategy, which identified key vulnerabilities and 69 action to help mitigate the impacts of climate change, the City has amalgamated some of these action items into the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan, including: increasing the minimum habitable space elevation requirements for new building construction include in the zoning by-law, conducting a Neighbourhood Flood Mitigation Study, and identifying the costs associated with potential solutions. The City has also made progress in applying climate change information to asset management planning, and an asset management plan was completed in 2019.