Township of Langley: Climate Action Strategy

In July 2019, Township of Langley Council declared a Climate Emergency with the goal of prioritizing and accelerating climate change action. In response, the Township of Langley has developed a Climate Action Strategy that includes over 140 actions to both mitigate and adapt to climate change. An underpinning effort of their Strategy was the development of a Climate Change Adaptation Plan which aimed to prepare the community for expected increasing temperatures and drought conditions in the summer, and more precipitation and intense extreme weather events in the fall and winter. The development of the adaptation plan was guided by the ICLEI Adaptation Methodology and the BC Risk Assessment Framework. The plan was developed with intensive internal staff engagement, and throughout the process stakeholders and the public were given opportunities to hear about the plan, and share their input on how the Township should be thinking about climate change moving into the future. The results and actions from the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, along with outcomes from three other climate-related plans, were combined into an integrated Climate Action Strategy which offers opportunities to find synergies and to streamline work and communications.