Understanding and Assessing Impacts
Climate change is altering the intensity, frequency, and duration of precipitation events across Canada. As a result, communities are experiencing more flooding causing significant damage and financial burden to residences and businesses. Flooding and extreme weather events can also place a burden on a community’s stormwater infrastructure system. Other factors contributing to the increased financial burden of flooding including properties located in flood-prone areas, loss of permeable surfaces due to urbanization, and aging infrastructure.
Cambridge, Ontario, has a population of ~138,479 and is no stranger to chronic flooding as the city is located on the Grand River Watershed. Flooding often occurs during late spring or early fall due to active weather conditions. However, flooding can occur at any time of the year. A significant and rare flood event occurred in June 2017 due to short duration, high-intensity rainfall of over 100 m, creating extremely high-water levels and flooding across the Grand River Watershed.
For additional climate information, look at the Resources section of this example (below).