More Examples

If you didn’t find the information you were looking for on the Map, we encourage you to visit the following websites, which provide additional examples of adaptation. This page will be regularly updated to reflect new resources.

Name Description
Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research The Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research Climate Change map characterizes current climate change adaptation, mitigation and monitoring activities across the Yukon. This map was created by AICBR and partners as part of the Yukon Indigenous Community Climate Change Champions and the Linking a Changing Climate with a Changing Traditional Diet projects.
Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE)


CAKE is a knowledge-sharing platform where  decision makers, planners, and the broader adaptation community can access resources submitted by users and EcoAdapt staff to inform their own adaptation actions. The case studies provided by the CAKE platform are examples of adaptation action with the following main objectives:

  • Provide users on-the-ground with examples of actions others are employing around similar ecosystems, impacts, sectors, and strategies;
  • Provide users with examples of what others have already done and lessons learned;
  • Demonstrate a variety of approaches to adapting to climate change; and
  • Identify barriers to action and innovative solutions to overcome these barriers.
Climate Action Map The Climate Action Map provides information on how the Government of Canada is fighting climate change in communities across the country. Included on the Map are mitigation, clean tech, and adaptation projects funded by the federal government.
Climate Telling The ClimateTelling web portal exists to create awareness around climate change and impacts to human health facing Indigenous communities in Canada. The Projects by Region Map provides information on the different types of Indigenous-led projects implemented across the country related to adaptation; food security; vulnerability assessments; and more.
CLIMAtlantic Networking Map


The newly released (Winter 2022) CLIMAtlantic Networking Map is an interactive map of those working on climate adaptation in Atlantic Canada. Use this resource to connect with people or organizations doing similar work, collaborate on similar initiatives, and work together to help Atlantic Canada better respond to climate change. Find organizations and individuals with their description and contact information in either the map view or list view. Search for contacts by keywords, location, and sector. 

Want to add you or your organization to the map? Simply fill out the short form below the map. The image and color of your map pin will reflect the sector and location that you work in.

EcoAction Map The EcoAction Community Funding Program provides financial support to non-profit and non-government organizations for local action-based projects that produce measurable, positive effects on the environment.

The Project Map provides information on implemented projects related to clean water; climate change; nature; and clean air.

Energy Ouranos The Energy Adaptation Map is a platform that collects and provides examples of adaptation to climate change from the energy sector. It allows practitioners, professionals, researchers and policy makers to access information on how proactive players in the energy sector respond to the challenges of present and future climatic changes and impacts.
Green Infrastructure Map This map highlights Green Infrastructure projects in and around the GTA.

By focusing on practices that promote increased evapotranspiration, infiltration and groundwater recharge, and lower surface runoff volumes and flow rates,  these approaches help to maintain the natural water balance. Potential sites include bioretention and dry swales, enhanced swales, vegetated filter strips and soil amendment areas, permeable pavements, underground infiltration systems, green roofs and rainwater cisterns.  Notable conventional stormwater management sites are also included on the map.

Indigenous Climate Hub The vision of the Indigenous Climate Hub is to provide a platform for Indigenous peoples across Canada to share their climate change experiences and stories. Developed by Indigenous peoples for Indigenous peoples, the Indigenous Climate Hub provides access to climate change resources tools for Indigenous peoples to monitor and adapt to our ever changing climate. The platform also acts as a hub for Indigenous climate change leaders working on similar issues to come together and build from each others knowledge and experiences. Included on the platform are Indigenous Community Adaptation Projects.
Indigenous Climate Monitoring Toolkit The Indigenous Climate Monitoring Toolkit was developed to support Indigenous Peoples in Canada with planning, implementing, or expanding community-based climate monitoring projects. It provides convenient access to tools, good practices, and examples of projects from across the country as inspiration.

The Projects Map includes some of the Indigenous-led climate monitoring-related projects that have taken place or that are ongoing across Canada.

Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction Reports The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction has a collection of reports that highlight actions from across municipalities in Canada addressing climate hazards.
Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) Climate Change Action Map Inuvialuit Regional Corporation developed the ISR Climate Change Action Map to better communicate to Inuvialuit beneficiaries the purpose, results and opportunities associated with climate change projects happening near their communities. The map features a wide range of initiatives, including scientific research, frontline projects and engagement activities that connect to the thematic areas of the regional climate change strategy.
Investing in Canada Plan Map Through the Investing in Canada Plan (IICP), launched in 2016, the Government of Canada committed  more than $180 billion over 12 years  to infrastructure that benefits Canadians – from public transit to trading ports, broadband networks to energy systems, and community services to natural spaces.

The Investing in Canada Plan Project Map includes information on projects funded by IICP related to the Smart Cities Challenge; rural and northern communities; public transit; and climate change adaptation.

Nature Canada The Nature Canada Map provides information on projects across Canada that are employing nature-based solution approaches to climate change mitigation and-or adaptation.
PhareClimat (in French only) PhareClimat is a reference tool for all professionals, decision-makers, elected officials or municipal leaders wishing to set up initiatives that mitigate or adapt to climate in the sectors of mobility and transport, energy, management of residual materials, and land use planning. The PhareClimat interactive map provides information on projects implemented in the Québec Province.
PIEVC Library The PIEVC Library houses a collection of successful PIEVC Protocol assessments from across various regions, infrastructure types and scopes.
Resilient C The Resilient Coasts Canada Platform, commonly referred to as Resilient-C, is an online tool created by the University of British Columbia to help Canadian coastal communities build resilience to hazards. This platform includes community planning actions that have been explored or implemented by costal communities to address earthquakes and coastal hazards.
Sea Level Rise The Sea Level Rise website provides access to a number of resources related to the issue of sea-level rise in Canada. Included in these resources is a Sea-Level Rise Impact Map, which allows users to connect with coastal stakeholders across the country. Users may also identify and share their observations and experiences with sea-level rise impacts along Canada’s coastline.
weADAPT weADAPT is a global online ‘open space’ on climate adaptation issues (including the synergies between adaptation and mitigation) which allows practitioners, researchers and policy makers to access credible, high quality information and to share experiences and lessons learnt with the weADAPT community. Included on weADAPT is a map of case studies that provides information on adaptation measures from around the world.

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