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Relevance Score: 156%

Interactive Figure 5.17

...Highcharts.Chart(topleft_options); }); var topright_catarray = []; var topright_options = { chart: { renderTo: 'chartdiv2' }, title: { text: '' }, xAxis: { categories: [] }, tooltip: { crosshairs: true, shared: true }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { fillColor: '#FFFFFF', lineWidth: 1, radius: 3, lineColor: null // inherit from series } } }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Temperature °C' } }, series: [{ data: [] },{ data: [] },{ data: [] },{ data: [] },{ data: [] },{ data: [] },{ data: [] },{ data: [] }] }; var topright = $.get(charts_dir + '/csvs/5.17b.csv', function (data) { var lines = data.split('n'); $.each(lines, function (lineNo, line) { var items = line.split(','); if (lineNo === 0) { var categories = line.split(','); $.each(categories, function (catNo, cat) { console.log(cat); topright_catarray.push(cat); }); } else { var series = { data: [] }; var year = items[0]; topright_options.xAxis.categories.push(year); var one = parseFloat(items[1]); var two = parseFloat(items[2]); var three = parseFloat(items[3]); var four = parseFloat(items[4]); var five = parseFloat(items[5]); var six = parseFloat(items[6]); var seven = parseFloat(items[7]); var eight = parseFloat(items[8]); topright_options.series[0].name = topright_catarray[1]; topright_options.series[0].color = '#009b0d'; topright_options.series[0].data.push([year, one]); topright_options.series[1].name = topright_catarray[2]; topright_options.series[1].color = '#9b0e00'; topright_options.series[1].data.push([year, two]); topright_options.series[2].name = topright_catarray[3]; topright_options.series[2].color = '#00909b'; topright_options.series[2].data.push([year, three]); topright_options.series[3].name... (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 0)

Found in: Canada in a Changing Climate interactive

Relevance Score: 32%

Interactive Figure 6.9

...0) { optionsA.xAxis.categories.push(item); } else if (parseFloat(item)) { optionsA.series[seriesNo].data.push(parseFloat(item)); } else if (item === "null") { /* adding nulls */ optionsA.series[seriesNo].data.push(null); } }); } }); var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(chart_id + '-1', optionsA); /* add regression line dynamically */ chart.series[1].update({ type: 'line', name: 'Precipitation Trend', lineWidth: 1, linkedTo: 'Precipitation', marker: {enabled: false}, /* function returns data for trend-line */ data: (function () { return fitOneDimensionalData(optionsA.series[0].data); })() }, true); //true / false to redraw chart.series[3].update({ type: 'line', name: 'Evaporation Trend', lineWidth: 1, linkedTo: 'Evaporation', marker: {enabled: false}, /* function returns data for trend-line */ data: (function () { return fitOneDimensionalData(optionsA.series[2].data); })() }, true); //true / false to redraw chart.series[5].update({ name: 'Runoff Trend', lineWidth: 1, linkedTo: ':previous', marker: {enabled: false}, /* function returns data for trend-line */ data: (function () { return fitOneDimensionalData(optionsA.series[4].data); })() }, true); //true / false to redraw }); var optionsB = { chart: { type: 'line', zoomType: 'x' }, plotOptions: { series: { lineWidth: 0.5 } }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: [] }, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2, shared: true, valueSuffix: 'mm' }, title: { text: 'Lake Michigan/Huron' }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Units' } }, series: [] }; $.get(chart_dir + '/csvs/6.9b.csv', function (data) { // Split... (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 0)

Found in: Canada in a Changing Climate interactive

Relevance Score: 20%

Interactive Figure 6.7

...+ ' ' + this.y + ' .'; } }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime' }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { fillColor: '#FFFFFF', lineWidth: 1, radius: 3, lineColor: null // inherit from series } } }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Runoff (mm d-1)' } }, series: [{ data: [], pointStart: Date.UTC(2011, 10, 1), pointInterval: 24 * 3600 * 1000 // one day }] }; var bottomleft = $.get(chart_dir + '/F6.7/6.7c.csv', function (data) { var lines = data.split('n'); $.each(lines, function (lineNo, line) { var items = line.split(','); if (lineNo === 0) { var categories = line.split(','); $.each(categories, function (catNo, cat) { console.log(cat); bottomleft_catarray.push(cat); }); } else { var series = { data: [] }; var year = items[0]; var one = parseFloat(items[1]); bottomleft_options.series[0].name = bottomleft_catarray[1]; bottomleft_options.series[0].color = '#009b0d'; bottomleft_options.series[0].data.push([year, one]); } }); var bottomleft_chart = new Highcharts.Chart(bottomleft_options); }); var bottomright_catarray = []; var bottomright_options = { chart: { renderTo: chart_id + '-4' }, title: { text: 'SW Miramichi - Mixed' }, tooltip: { formatter: function () { return '' + + ' ' + Highcharts.dateFormat('%b %e, %Y', new Date(this.x)) + ' ' + this.y + ' .'; } }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime' }, plotOptions: { series: { marker:... (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 0)

Found in: Canada in a Changing Climate interactive

Relevance Score: 10%

Interactive Figure 6.10

...var groupNames = ["CRCM using CGCM",,,,,"CRCM using ECHAM5",,"CRCM using CNRM"]; Highcharts.chart(chart_id + '-1', { chart: { type: 'line', zoomType: 'x' }, title: { text: '' }, data: { csv: data }, xAxis: { type: 'category', title: { text: 'Month' } }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Monthly net basin supply difference (mm)' }, plotLines: [{ color: '#000', width: 1, zIndex:1, value: }] }, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2, shared: true, valueSuffix: 'mm' }, plotOptions:{ series:{ lineWidth:2, connectNulls:true, marker: {enabled: false} } }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', floating:true, align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'top', itemMarginTop: 3, x:-30, y:10, itemMarginBottom: 3, borderWidth: 2, labelFormatter: function () { console.log(this._i); return groupNames[this._i]; } }, series: [{ data: [], name: groupNames[0], color: '#1634ff', id: 'aey,' }, { data: [], name: groupNames[0], color: '#1634ff', linkedTo: ':previous', id: 'aez' }, { data: [], name: groupNames[0], color: '#1634ff', linkedTo: ':previous', id: 'afa' }, { data: [], name: groupNames[0], color: '#1634ff', linkedTo: ':previous', id: 'aet' }, { data: [], name: groupNames[0], color: '#1634ff', linkedTo: ':previous', id: 'aev' }, { data: [], name: groupNames[1], color: '#91CF51', id: 'agx' }, { data: [], name: groupNames[1], linkedTo: ':previous', color: '#91CF51', id: 'ahi' }, { data: [], name: groupNames[2], color: '#ff030f', id: 'agw' }] }); });... (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 0)

Found in: Canada in a Changing Climate interactive

Relevance Score: 7.41%


News Release: Canada Releases National Issues Report on Climate Change Adaptation Virtual Release Event (Webinar): Release of the Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues Report Presentation: Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues Report Report Release Video (0.48): Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues Report Full Report Overview Video (9:34): Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues Report Download shareable products to help amplify the messages of the report: Amplifier products ________________________________________________ Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues Report Full report (PDF, 28 MB) Foreword (PDF, 190 KB) Overview (PDF, 614 KB) Introduction (PDF, 1 MB) Cities and Towns (PDF, 4 MB), Infographic (PDF, 2 MB) Rural and Remote Communities (PDF, 2 MB), Infographic (PDF, 2 MB) Water Resources (PDF, 3 MB), Infographic (PDF, 2 MB), Presentation (PDF, 1.5 MB), Webinar Recording Ecosystem Services (PDF, 4 MB), Infographic (PDF, 2 MB), Presentation (PDF, 1.5 MB), Webinar Recording Costs and Benefits of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (PDF, 3 MB), Infographic (PDF, 2 MB), Presentation (PDF, 1 MB), Webinar Recording Sector Impacts and Adaptation (PDF, 6 MB), Infographic (PDF, 2 MB), Presentation (PDF, 1 MB), Webinar Recording Climate Disclosure, Litigation and Finance (PDF, 1 MB), Infographic (PDF, 2... (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 0)

Found in: Canada in a Changing Climate page

Relevance Score: 6.87%


...Canada dans un climat en changement : Rapport sur les enjeux nationaux For more information regarding reproduction rights, contact Natural Resources Canada at: For more information about the national assessment, contact the Assessment Secretariat at: CAT : M174-24/2021E-PDF ISBN : 978-0-660-38842-7 DOI:   Acknowledgements The Assessment Secretariat gratefully acknowledges the following people for taking the time to provide critical, expert reviews of one of more chapters of the report: Bhim Adhikari Bruce Currie Alder Vidya Anderson Adeniyi Asiyanbi Stephanie Austin Carol Aziz Dan Babaluk Céline Bak Talaat Bakri Phil Beard Kevin Behan Maija Bertule Dale Beugin Barrie Bonsal Mark Boysen Sara Brown Chris Buse Elizabeth Bush Ian Campbell Nazzareno Capano Devin Causley Nicole Cerpnjak Juan-Carlos Ciscar Stewart Cohen Dylan Clark Tugce Conger Teresa Cline Ellen Curtis Danielle Dagenais Simon Daigle Simon Dalby Julie Desjardins James Davies Marlene Doyle Michele Leone Bohan Li Rob de Loë Paddy Enright Guy Felio Kerri Finlay Jeffrey Frank Randy Gillespie Elisabeth Gilmore Paul Griss Rohan Hamden Sharon Hanley-Smith Deb Harford Monica Harvey Daniel Henstra Micah Hewer Jeffrey Hicke Lisa Hiwasaki Dayne-Michael Hornick Sara Janis Amy Kim Dan Kraus Marie-Eve Landry Chris Lemieux Matt MacDonald Dennis Mahony Patricia Manuel Shawn Marshall Steve McCollough... (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 0)

Found in: Canada in a Changing Climate page

Relevance Score: 6.65%


...MB) Health Practitioners (PDF, 0.149 MB) Decision Makers Outside of the Health Sector (PDF, 0.303 MB) Presentation: Technical Summary (PDF, 4 MB) Infographics: Indigenous Knowledges and Climate Change (PDF, 0.960 MB) Indigenous Knowledges and Climate Change: Health Impacts (PDF, 1.8 MB) Webinars: First Nations' Leadership on Climate Change Indigenous Peoples, food safety and security and climate change in Canada Indigenous Peoples' perspectives on climate change and water safety and security Podcasts: Climate change and Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada Emergency management planning - a climate change and health adaptation project of the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq A Shared Future: Researching energy autonomy in the context of climate change for Indigenous Communities in Canada Drawing on teachings from the land to adapt to climate change Contacts: For media inquiries about Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action: Media Relations Health Canada 613-957-2983 Health Canada’s Twitter Page Health Canada’s Facebook Page For media inquiries about Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action, the national knowledge assessment: Natural Resources Canada Media Relations 343-292-6100   Vanessa Adams Press Secretary Office of the Minister of Natural Resources 343-543-7645 Follow us on Twitter: @NRCan ( (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 0)

Found in: Canada in a Changing Climate page

Relevance Score: 6%

Interactive Figure 4.19

.../* if not a number then it must be null */ hist_max = null; } hist_ranges.push([items[0], hist_min, hist_max]); hist_average.push([items[0], hist_avg]); } if (c.length > 0) { Highcharts.chart(chart_id + '-1', { chart: { zoomType: 'x' }, title: { text: chartTitle }, xAxis: { categories: c }, yAxis: { title: { text: chartYAxisLabel } }, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2, shared:true, valueSuffix: chartUnits }, legend: {}, series: [{ name: 'RCP 2.6', data: rcp_26_average, color: '#030d9b', zIndex: 1, marker: { fillColor: 'white', lineWidth: 2, lineColor: '#030d9b' } }, { name: 'RCP 2.6 Range', data: rcp_26_ranges, color: '#030d9b', type: 'arearange', lineWidth: 0, linkedTo: ':previous', fillOpacity: 0.3, zIndex: 0, marker: { enabled: false } }, { name: 'RCP 8.5', data: rcp_85_average, color: '#9b0e00', zIndex: 1, marker: { fillColor: 'white', lineWidth: 2, lineColor: '#9b0e00' } }, { name: 'RCP 8.5 Range', data: rcp_85_ranges, color: '#9b0e00', type: 'arearange', lineWidth: 0, linkedTo: ':previous', fillOpacity: 0.3, zIndex: 0, marker: { enabled: false } }, { name: 'Historical', data: hist_average, color: '#000000', zIndex: 1, marker: { fillColor: 'white', lineWidth: 2, lineColor: '#000000' } }, { name: 'Historical Range', data: hist_ranges, color: '#000000', type: 'arearange', lineWidth: 0, linkedTo: ':previous', fillOpacity: 0.3, zIndex: 0, marker: { enabled: false } }] }); } });... (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 0)

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