Identifying Actions
The Town engaged an engineering firm to study and develop a hydraulic model for the Gateway Mall area where historical, recurring flooding has taken place. The study identified an existing partial berm behind the Gateway Mall that, if it extended further along that stretch of the Kennebecasis River, could help in stop river flood waters from rising so high that they spill onto the mall parking lot. Given the extent of the damage from previous floods and the opportunity to obtain cost-sharing funding for the construction of the berm through Public Safety Canada’s National Disaster Mitigation Program, a technical review committee identified this berm as a priority flood mitigation project.
Simultaneously, a community-wide Flood Mitigation Master Plan was being undertaken with the Town of Sussex and Village of Sussex Corner. Five other projects were identified as high priority, including two diversion channels that would return the flow of water to its prehistoric path to battle against the rising waters residents and businesses are increasingly faced with. In all, the six projects proposed could cost over $24 million. That success of the master plan will also rely on the execution of a handful of smaller projects spanning the two municipalities and is expected to take more than five years to complete.
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