Our process

Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action

Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action is the national assessment of how and why Canada’s climate is changing; the impacts of these changes on our communities, environment, and economy; and how we are adapting.

Between 2019 and 2023, a series of authoritative, user-friendly, online reports are being released. The first, Canada’s Changing Climate Report (2019), assessed how and why Canada’s climate is changing and what changes are projected for the future. Subsequent reports focus on impacts, adaptation, and resilience. To date, these include: Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues Report (2021), Canada in a Changing Climate: Regional Perspectives Report (2020-2022), and the Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate (2022). A Synthesis Report will be released in 2023. It will draw from, and provide added value to, the findings of all the other reports. An Indigenous report, slated for release in 2024, will draw from traditional knowledge, perspectives, and experiences to explore the multidimensional and intersecting aspects of climate impacts and adaptation.

All reports include “case stories”, which are short, non-technical descriptions of concrete, on-the-ground examples of adaptation actions across Canada. Explore the case stories through the Map of Adaptation Actions.

These reports will serve as a resource for Canadians, raising awareness of the issues facing our country and providing information to support sound decisions and actions that address climate change and adapt to its impacts.

Natural Resources Canada leads Canada in a Changing Climate, a process that depends on the collaboration of a broad partnership of subject-matter experts and assessment users from all orders of government, Indigenous organizations, universities, professional and non-governmental groups, and the private sector. These partners are actively involved in the report writing teamsNational Advisory Committee and Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation Platform. The public is also involved, through meetings, conferences, and online engagement tools.